In this tutorial we learn how to use mocks when unit testing, why integration testing is sometimes just not enough, and how to save some trees.
How To Switch To Software Industry
I am often being asked by friends and acquaintances: how do I switch from my current profession to software development?
Geo Crash Course
What do you need to know when starting in Geo as a developer? Read on to know!
2018 was a year of learning. I have learnt:
How I Deal With Bad User Feedback
We all know this feeling. You spend your precious time to develop an awesome project, polish it to perfection, and carefully roll it out for your users.
And then they tell you:
BOO! Worst app EVER! Do NoT UsE!!!11
Writing Good Unit Tests: A Step By Step Tutorial
A tutorial to help you write comprehensive unit test suites.
Let’s imagine we just wrote a method calculating distance between two points on our planet. And let’s imagine we want to test it as well as possible. How do we come up with test cases? And what exactly do we need to test?
Bonus: learn a surprising fact about the Fiji islands.
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When Not To A/B Test
As I plowed my way through A/B testing of more than 300 features, I was wondering: are there any cases when you don’t want to A/B test?
The Hunch: 4 Times I Felt It And 1 When I Didn’t, And What Were The Consequences
I sometimes have this feeling: The Hunch™. It’s when I sense there is something wrong with the project, with the requirement, or with the feature, even when everyone else is sure all is well.
When I sense this, I feel like a dog who picked up the scent. I follow the scent by asking questions, until I get my answer.
Here’s how it happens.
Continue reading “The Hunch: 4 Times I Felt It And 1 When I Didn’t, And What Were The Consequences”
C++ From The Past – I found C++ and OOP lectures I wrote in 2008!
You can’t possibly imagine what I found today!
Back in 2008 I wrote a set of lectures on C++ and OOP for my uni, and never published them anywhere. Until today.
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Code Reviews Are Awesome, Here Are 7 Reasons Why
Code reviews are a great practice to apply in software development. The approach is very simple: when you’re done with your code, give it to someone else to look at and leave comments.
Despite of its simplicity, it brings considerable advantages. Here are 7 reasons why this practice is useful.
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