Modularization and dependency management: three steps to better code

If you ask me, what’s a single most important thing in writing good code, I’d reply: “Modularization and Dependency Management”.

Well, actually, that’s two things. Sorry about that! But they are two sides of the same coin, and you can’t have one without the other, if you want to your code to be nice and clean.

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Prioritization for Perfectionists, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Non-Perfection

Are you a perfectionist? That kind of a person that can never say “I’m done”, “it’s ready” or “let’s ship it”? The one who can’t release the new feature unless it’s polished and perfect?

Continue reading “Prioritization for Perfectionists, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Non-Perfection”

How we checked road graph correctness

How to make the roads better?
What about roads on a map?
Read to learn what graph (and non-graph) algorithms we implemented to make the roads good.

One particularly nasty and cold day, in the middle of February, our users, cartographers, came to visit us, developers. And they looked worried.

We offered them hot tea and chocolate candy. By gentle nudging and careful questioning we managed to understand what was bothering them.

They wanted the roads to be good.

Continue reading “How we checked road graph correctness”

The most interesting thing is “why”, not “what”

When I read an article or a book about architecture, framework, approach, or tool – I focus on “why” it was built or applied one way or another. Not “what” they did, not “how exactly” they applied it – but “why”. Read here to know “why” I think it’s important.

What interests you when you read an article or a book about an architecture of some big system, or about new frameworks, or design patterns, or some new fancy tools?

To me, the most interesting thing is why they did it like they describe.

Continue reading “The most interesting thing is “why”, not “what””

Geo Information System: Map Navigation

Bad-ass development of scalable systems with lots of user requirements, tight schedules and limited resources? Ask me how!

This is the series of articles about building a professional enterprise Geo Information System. Here I’m going to tell you how we dealt with the most intensive and visible part – the map navigation.

I’m continuing the series of articles about developing a Geo Information System for 2GIS company.

In the first part of the series I described the user requirements for the Geo Information System we were developing, and in the next part – an overview of the architecture. Here I’m describing in more details how we dealt with map navigation.

Continue reading “Geo Information System: Map Navigation”

Geo Information System: Architecture

Bad-ass development of scalable systems with lots of user requirements, tight schedules and limited resources? Ask me how!

This article is about our GIS-system architecture. Read on to learn how we dealt with all requirements!

I’m continuing the series of articles about developing a Geo Information System for 2GIS company.

In the first article I described the requirements we gathered. Now it’s time to talk about the implementation.

Continue reading “Geo Information System: Architecture”

Geo Information System: Requirements

Bad-ass development of scalable systems with lots of user requirements, tight schedules and limited resources? Ask me how!

This is the first article in series about building a Geo Information System. Here I’m going to tell you about user requirements we gathered before we rushed into development.

I’m starting a series of articles about building a geographic information system, or GIS-system. With a great team of smart and very dedicated developers, we created a robust scalable solution that our users were happy with. Or, almost happy. You can never make users completely happy. Sigh.

Continue reading “Geo Information System: Requirements”